November 30, 2010
St. Andrew, Apostle
In John 1:40-42, we hear how St. Andrew, one of the first of the twelve apostles, brought his brother to join him in following Jesus. You can follow St. Andrew’s example by encouraging vocations to religious life and the priesthood. For ideas and inspiration, visit the For Your Vocation Website.
Chapter 1
1 2 In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.
He was in the beginning with God.
3 All things came to be through him, and without him nothing came to be. What came to be
through him was life, and this life was the light of the human race;
4 the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.
5 A man named John was sent from God.
He came for testimony, 6 to testify to the light, so that all might believe through him.
He was not the light, but came to testify to the light.
The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.
He was in the world, and the world came to be through him, but the world did not know him.
He came to what was his own, but his own people 7 did not accept him.
But to those who did accept him he gave power to become children of God, to those who believe in his name,
8 who were born not by natural generation nor by human choice nor by a man's decision but of God.
And the Word became flesh 9 and made his dwelling among us, and we saw his glory, the glory as of the Father's only Son, full of grace and truth.
10 John testified to him and cried out, saying, "This was he of whom I said, 'The one who is coming after me ranks ahead of me because he existed before me.'"
From his fullness we have all received, grace in place of grace, 11
because while the law was given through Moses, grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
No one has ever seen God. The only Son, God, 12 who is at the Father's side, has revealed him.
13 14 And this is the testimony of John. When the Jews from Jerusalem sent priests and Levites (to him) to ask him, "Who are you?"
15 he admitted and did not deny it, but admitted, "I am not the Messiah."
So they asked him, "What are you then? Are you Elijah?" 16 And he said, "I am not." "Are you the Prophet?" He answered, "No."
So they said to him, "Who are you, so we can give an answer to those who sent us? What do you have to say for yourself?"
He said: "I am 'the voice of one crying out in the desert, "Make straight the way of the Lord,"' 17 as Isaiah the prophet said."
Some Pharisees 18 were also sent.
They asked him, "Why then do you baptize if you are not the Messiah or Elijah or the Prophet?"
John answered them, "I baptize with water; 19 but there is one among you whom you do not recognize,
the one who is coming after me, whose sandal strap I am not worthy to untie."
This happened in Bethany across the Jordan, 20 where John was baptizing.
The next day he saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Behold, the Lamb of God, 21 who takes away the sin of the world.
22 He is the one of whom I said, 'A man is coming after me who ranks ahead of me because he existed before me.'
I did not know him, 23 but the reason why I came baptizing with water was that he might be made known to Israel."
John testified further, saying, "I saw the Spirit come down like a dove 24 from the sky and remain upon him.
I did not know him, but the one who sent me to baptize with water told me, 'On whomever you see the Spirit come down and remain, he is the one who will baptize with the holy Spirit.'
25 Now I have seen and testified that he is the Son of God."
The next day John was there again with two of his disciples,
and as he watched Jesus walk by, he said, "Behold, the Lamb of God." 26
The two disciples 27 heard what he said and followed Jesus.
Jesus turned and saw them following him and said to them, "What are you looking for?" They said to him, "Rabbi" (which translated means Teacher), "where are you staying?"
He said to them,"Come, and you will see." So they went and saw where he was staying, and they stayed with him that day. It was about four in the afternoon. 28
Andrew, the brother of Simon Peter, was one of the two who heard John and followed Jesus.
He first found his own brother Simon and told him, "We have found the Messiah" 29 (which is translated Anointed).
Then he brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him and said, "You are Simon the son of John; 30 you will be called Cephas" (which is translated Peter).
The next day he 31 decided to go to Galilee, and he found Philip. And Jesus said to him, "Follow me."
Now Philip was from Bethsaida, the town of Andrew and Peter.
Philip found Nathanael and told him, "We have found the one about whom Moses wrote in the law, and also the prophets, Jesus, son of Joseph, from Nazareth."
But Nathanael said to him, "Can anything good come from Nazareth?" Philip said to him, "Come and see."
Jesus saw Nathanael coming toward him and said of him, "Here is a true Israelite. 32 There is no duplicity in him."
33 Nathanael said to him, "How do you know me?" Jesus answered and said to him, "Before Philip called you, I saw you under the fig tree."
Nathanael answered him, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God; 34 you are the King of Israel."
Jesus answered and said to him, "Do you believe because I told you that I saw you under the fig tree? 35 You will see greater things than this."
And he said to him, "Amen, amen, 36 I say to you, you will see the sky opened and the angels of God ascending and descending on the Son of Man."
Table of Contents Introduction Next Chapter
1 [1-18] The prologue states the main themes of the gospel: life, light, truth, the world, testimony, and the preexistence of Jesus Christ, the incarnate Logos, who reveals God the Father. In origin, it was probably an early Christian hymn. Its closest parallel is in other christological hymns, Col 1:15-20 and Philippians 2:6-11. Its core (John 1:1-5, 10-11, 14) is poetic in structure, with short phrases linked by "staircase parallelism," in which the last word of one phrase becomes the first word of the next. Prose inserts (at least John 1:6-8, 15) deal with John the Baptist.
2 [1] In the beginning: also the first words of the Old Testament (Genesis 1:1). Was: this verb is used three times with different meanings in this verse: existence, relationship, and predication. The Word (Greek logos): this term combines God's dynamic, creative word (Genesis), personified preexistent Wisdom as the instrument of God's creative activity (Proverbs), and the ultimate intelligibility of reality (Hellenistic philosophy). With God: the Greek preposition here connotes communication with another. Was God: lack of a definite article with "God" in Greek signifies predication rather than identification.
3 [1] What came to be: while the oldest manuscripts have no punctuation here, the corrector of Bodmer Papyrus P75, some manuscripts, and the Ante-Nicene Fathers take this phrase with what follows, as staircase parallelism. Connection with John 1:3 reflects fourth-century anti-Arianism.
4 [5] The ethical dualism of light and darkness is paralleled in intertestamental literature and in the Dead Sea Scrolls. Overcome: "comprehend" is another possible translation, but cf John 12:35; Wisdom 7:29-30.
5 [6] John was sent just as Jesus was "sent" (John 4:34) in divine mission. Other references to John the Baptist in this gospel emphasize the differences between them and John's subordinate role.
6 [7] Testimony: the testimony theme of John is introduced, which portrays Jesus as if on trial throughout his ministry. All testify to Jesus: John the Baptist, the Samaritan woman, scripture, his works, the crowds, the Spirit, and his disciples.
7 [11] What was his own . . . his own people: first a neuter, literally, "his own property/possession" (probably = Israel), then a masculine, "his own people" (the Israelites).
8 [13] Believers in Jesus become children of God not through any of the three natural causes mentioned but through God who is the immediate cause of the new spiritual life. Were born: the Greek verb can mean "begotten" (by a male) or "born" (from a female or of parents). The variant "he who was begotten," asserting Jesus' virginal conception, is weakly attested in Old Latin and Syriac versions.
9 [14] Flesh: the whole person, used probably against docetic tendencies (cf 1 John 4:2; 1:7). Made his dwelling: literally, "pitched his tent/tabernacle." Cf the tabernacle or tent of meeting that was the place of God's presence among his people (Exodus 25:8-9). The incarnate Word is the new mode of God's presence among his people. The Greek verb has the same consonants as the Aramaic word for God's presence (Shekinah). Glory: God's visible manifestation of majesty in power, which once filled the tabernacle (Exodus 40:34) and the temple (1 Kings 8:10-11, 27), is now centered in Jesus. Only Son: Greek, monogenes, but see the note on John 1:18. Grace and truth: these words may represent two Old Testament terms describing Yahweh in covenant relationship with Israel (cf Exodus 34:6), thus God's "love" and "fidelity." The Word shares Yahweh's covenant qualities.
10 [15] This verse, interrupting John 1:14, 16 seems drawn from John 1:30.
11 [16] Grace in place of grace: replacement of the Old Covenant with the New (cf John 1:17). Other possible translations are "grace upon grace" (accumulation) and "grace for grace" (correspondence).
12 [18] The only Son, God: while the vast majority of later textual witnesses have another reading, "the Son, the only one" or "the only Son," the translation above follows the best and earliest manuscripts, monogenes theos, but takes the first term to mean not just "Only One" but to include a filial relationship with the Father, as at Luke 9:38 ("only child") or Hebrews 11:17 ("only son") and as translated at John 1:14. The Logos is thus "only Son" and God but not Father/God.
13 [19-51] The testimony of John the Baptist about the Messiah and Jesus' self-revelation to the first disciples. This section constitutes the introduction to the gospel proper and is connected with the prose inserts in the prologue. It develops the major theme of testimony in four scenes: John's negative testimony about himself; his positive testimony about Jesus; the revelation of Jesus to Andrew and Peter; the revelation of Jesus to Philip and Nathanael.
14 [19] The Jews: throughout most of the gospel, the "Jews" does not refer to the Jewish people as such but to the hostile authorities, both Pharisees and Sadducees, particularly in Jerusalem, who refuse to believe in Jesus. The usage reflects the atmosphere, at the end of the first century, of polemics between church and synagogue, or possibly it refers to Jews as representative of a hostile world (John 1:10-11).
15 [20] Messiah: the anointed agent of Yahweh, usually considered to be of Davidic descent. See further the note on John 1:41.
16 [21] Elijah: the Baptist did not claim to be Elijah returned to earth (cf Malachi 3:23; Matthew 11:14). The Prophet: probably the prophet like Moses (Deut 18:15; cf Acts 3:22).
17 [23] This is a repunctuation and reinterpretation (as in the synoptic gospels and Septuagint) of the Hebrew text of Isaiah 40:3 which reads, "A voice cries out: In the desert prepare the way of the Lord."
18 [24] Some Pharisees: other translations, such as "Now they had been sent from the Pharisees," misunderstand the grammatical construction. This is a different group from that in John 1:19; the priests and Levites would have been Sadducees, not Pharisees.
19 [26] I baptize with water: the synoptics add "but he will baptize you with the holy Spirit" (Mark 1:8) or ". . . holy Spirit and fire" (Matthew 3:11; Luke 3:16). John's emphasis is on purification and preparation for a better baptism.
20 [28] Bethany across the Jordan: site unknown. Another reading is "Bethabara."
21 [29] The Lamb of God: the background for this title may be the victorious apocalyptic lamb who would destroy evil in the world (Rev 5-7; 17:14); the paschal lamb, whose blood saved Israel (Exodus 12); and/or the suffering servant led like a lamb to the slaughter as a sin-offering (Isaiah 53:7, 10).
22 [30] He existed before me: possibly as Elijah (to come, John 1:27); for the evangelist and his audience, Jesus' preexistence would be implied (see the note on John 1:1).
23 [31] I did not know him: this gospel shows no knowledge of the tradition (Luke 1) about the kinship of Jesus and John the Baptist. The reason why I came baptizing with water: in this gospel, John's baptism is not connected with forgiveness of sins; its purpose is revelatory, that Jesus may be made known to Israel.
24 [32] Like a dove: a symbol of the new creation (Genesis 8:8) or the community of Israel (Hosea 11:11). Remain: the first use of a favorite verb in John, emphasizing the permanency of the relationship between Father and Son (as here) and between the Son and the Christian. Jesus is the permanent bearer of the Spirit.
25 [34] The Son of God: this reading is supported by good Greek manuscripts, including the Chester Beatty and Bodmer Papyri and the Vatican Codex, but is suspect because it harmonizes this passage with the synoptic version: "This is my beloved Son" (Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22). The poorly attested alternate reading, "God's chosen One," is probably a reference to the Servant of Yahweh (Isaiah 42:1).
26 [36] John the Baptist's testimony makes his disciples' following of Jesus plausible.
27 [37] The two disciples: Andrew (John 1:40) and, traditionally, John, son of Zebedee (see the note on John 13:23).
28 [39] Four in the afternoon: literally, the tenth hour, from sunrise, in the Roman calculation of time. Some suggest that the next day, beginning at sunset, was the sabbath; they would have stayed with Jesus to avoid travel on it.
29 [41] Messiah: the Hebrew word masiah, "anointed one" (see the note on Luke 2:11), appears in Greek as the transliterated messias only here and in John 4:25. Elsewhere the Greek translation christos is used.
30 [42] Simon, the son of John: in Matthew 16:17, Simon is called Bariona, "son of Jonah," a different tradition for the name of Simon's father. Cephas: in Aramaic = the Rock; cf Matthew 16:18. Neither the Greek equivalent Petros nor, with one isolated exception, Cephas is attested as a personal name before Christian times.
31 [43] He: grammatically, could be Peter, but logically is probably Jesus.
32 [47] A true Israelite. There is no duplicity in him: Jacob was the first to bear the name "Israel" (Genesis 32:29), but Jacob was a man of duplicity (Genesis 27:35-36).
33 [48] Under the fig tree: a symbol of messianic peace (cf Micah 4:4; Zechariah 3:10).
34 [49] Son of God: this title is used in the Old Testament, among other ways, as a title of adoption for the Davidic king (2 Sam 7:14; Psalm 2:7; 89:27), and thus here, with King of Israel, in a messianic sense. For the evangelist, Son of God also points to Jesus' divinity (cf John 20:28).
35 [50] Possibly a statement: "You [singular] believe because I saw you under the fig tree."
36 [51] The double "Amen" is characteristic of John. You is plural in Greek. The allusion is to Jacob's ladder (Genesis 28:12).
New American Bible Copyright © 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Inc., Washington, DC. All rights reserved. Neither this work nor any part of it may be reproduced, distributed, performed or displayed in any medium, including electronic or digital, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.
Pray for vocations. Choose a prayer from among those gathered by the USCCB Secretariat of Clergy, Consecrated Life and Vocations.
English Prayers for Vocations
Parents Prayer for Vocations
Almighty and eternal God,
in your unfailing love your provide
ministers for your Church.
We pray for those whom you call
to serve the Church of ___________
as priests
Inspire in them a generous response.
Grant them courage and vision to
serve your people
May their lives and service call your
people to respond to the presence
of your Spirit among us
that, faithful to the Gospel and
hope of Jesus the Christ, we may:
announce glad tidings to the poor
proclaim liberty to captives,
set prisoners free
and renew the face of the earth.
O God, Father of all Mercies, Provider of a bountiful Harvest, send Your Graces upon those You have called to gather the fruits of Your labor; preserve and strengthen them in their lifelong service of you.
Open the hearts of Your children that they may discern Your Holy Will; inspire in them a love and desire to surrender themselves to serving others in the name of Your son, Jesus Christ.
Teach all Your faithful to follow their respective paths in life guided by Your Divine Word and Truth. Through the intercession of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, all the Angels, and Saints, humbly hear our prayers and grant Your Church's needs, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Loving and Generous God,
it is You who call us by name
and ask us to follow You.
Help us to grow in the Love
and Service of our Church
as we experience it today.
Give us the energy and courage
of Your Spirit
to shape its future
Grant us faith-filled leaders
who will embrace Christ's Mission
of love and justice.
Bless the Church of ______________
by raising up dedicated and generous leaders
from our families and friends
who will serve Your people as Sisters,
Priests, Brothers, Deacons and Lay Ministers.
Inspire us to know You better
and open our hearts
to hear Your call.
We ask this through our Lord.
Loving God, you call all who believe in you to grow perfect in love by following in the footsteps of Christ your Son. Call from among us more men and women who will serve you as religious. By their way of life, may they provide a convincing sign of your Kingdom for the Church and the whole world. We ask this in Jesus' name. Amen.
Gracious and loving God, help the
men and women of our parish to hear the
call to serve in the Archdiocese of ____________.
Our needs are great and our people
thirst for your presence.
Open the hearts of many, raise up
faithful servants of the Gospel, dedicated,
holy priests, sisters, brothers and deacons,
who will spend themselves for your people and their needs.
Bless those who are serving now
with courage and perseverance.
Grant that many will be inspired by their
example and faith.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
He said to them "Come and See." They came and saw where he was staying (John 1:39).
God of all nations, we are most grateful for the first Catholic missionaries and explorers who came to ______________. As strangers in a strange land they brought with them countless skills, talents and traditions, but their greatest treasure was their faith. May the good News of Jesus Christ, which molded and shaped their lives, continue to mold and shape our lives today. Bless our diocese with men and women who will follow in their footsteps to serve the Church as religious brothers, sisters, priests, and deacons.
Lord Jesus Christ, help to hear your call to "Come and See."
Hail Mary, full of grace;
all generations call you blessed.
Hail Mother of God; when asked by the angel
to bear the Son of the Most High,
filled with faith, you responded:
"Let it be done unto me."
Holy Mother of Jesus, at the wedding feast at Cana,
you prompted your Son to perform his first sign.
Be with us as we discern our life's work
and guide us in the way we are called to follow
in the footsteps of your Son.
Holy Mother of the Savior, at the foot of the cross
you mourned the death of your only Son.
Bless and embrace the loving parents of all priests,
deacons, brothers and sisters.
Holy Mother of the Good Shepherd,
turn your motherly care to this nation.
Intercede for us to the Lord of the harvest
to send more laborers to the harvest
in this land dedicated to your honor.
Queen of Peace, Mirror of Justice, Health of the Sick,
inspire vocations in our time.
Let the word of your Son be made flesh anew
in the lives of persons anxious to proclaim
the good news of everlasting life.
Gracious God,
You have called me to life
and gifted me in many ways.
Through Baptism You have sent me
to continue the mission of Jesus
by sharing my love with others.
Strengthen me to respond to
Your call each day.
Help me to become all You desire of me.
Inspire me to make a difference in
others' lives.
Lead me to choose the way of life
You have planned for me.
Open the hearts of all to listen
to Your call.
Fill all with Your Holy Spirit that
we may have listening hearts and
the courage to respond to You.
Enkindle in my heart
and the hearts of others the desire
to make the world a better place
by serving as
Lay Minister, Sister, Priest,
Brother or Deacon.
Father, we're your people, the work of your hands. So precious are we in your sight that you sent your Son, Jesus. Jesus calls us to heal the broken-hearted, to dry the tears of those who mourn, to give hope to those who despair, and to rejoice in your steadfast love. We, the baptized, realize our call to serve. Help us to know how. Call forth from among us priests, sisters, brothers and lay ministers. With our hearts you continue to love your people. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God forever and ever.
Loving God,
your Son, Jesus, has shown us that an open heart finds the way.
Help me to find my way in this world.
Keep my heart open to following Jesus' way of serving
others in love.
Give me the courage to accept the guidance you offer me
through my family, my friends, and my parish community.
Through the Holy Spirit, you call me to a particular way of
If it is the way of a priest, sister, brother or deacon, then
help me to walk it in joyful service to your people.
With you, my God, I know I can find my way.
O God, Who wish all men to be saved and to come to the knowledge of Your truth: send, we beg You, laborers into Your harvest, and grant them grace to speak Your word with all boldness; so that Your word may spread and be glorified, and all nations may know You, the only God, and Him Whom You have sent, Jesus Christ Your Son, Our Lord, Who lives and reigns world without end. Amen.
Loving God,
Is it I, Lord?
Are you calling me to a vocation
of ministry in the Church as
Priest, Sister, Brother or Deacon?
Or if I am already living out a life's
vocation, are you asking me to help
call others to the ministry of
leadership in the Church?
We do need men and women to help
lead us as Church, Lord. We are your
people of the valley, prairie and pines,
the Diocese of ______________
Speak to us Lord.
Open the minds and hearts of many
men and women to live your Word
and build your Kingdom.
Speak to me Lord.
Plant your Word within me so that
whatever you call me to be or do
I may say Yes, Here I Am Lord.
Lord here I am!
What would you like me to
do with my life?
(Pause to listen to God for a moment)
Teach me to do your
will, Lord.
And let your Holy Spirit
guide me!
Quan Tran
O Father, you desire all of us to
be happy. Stir up the grace of a
religious vocation in the hearts of
many men and women. Grant to
them the willingness and generosity
to give of themselves,
their lives, their time and their
talents to the service of Jesus
Christ, Your Son, Our Lord and
Savior, and to His Holy Church.
May more men and women go
forth as priests, deacons,
brothers and sisters to bring the
truths of our Catholic faith to all
others so that soon they, too,
may know You better and love
You more...and serving You, be
truly happy. Amen.
Father you call each one
of us by name and ask us
to follow you.
Bless your church by
raising up dedicated and
generous leaders from our
families and friends who
will serve your people as Sisters, Priests,
Brothers, Deacons, and Lay Ministers.
Inspire us as we grow to
know you, and open our hearts
to hear your call.
We ask this in
Jesus name
Creator God,
Life is your gift to me,
Through Baptism you invite me to share
the gift of my life in service to others.
Be with me as I choose each day to show
Your presence in our world.
Give me the courage and generosity to
respond to Your love, to Your call.
I pray especially for those who serve you as
Priests, Brothers, Sisters, Deacons and
Lay Ministers.
Open the minds and hearts of many other
men and women that they may accept
Your challenge to build the Kingdom.
Loving God, you have made me in Your image and likeness, and for this I shall praise You forever. Through baptism Your invite me to serve as Your son Jesus served. I offer You this day all that I have and all that I am in union with His saving cross.
Father, in the power of the Spirit, You send us forth to build up Your kingdom. I pray especially for those whom You are calling to serve the church as priests, deacons, sisters and brothers. Help them to hear and answer Your call to discipleship.
The harvest is plenty, but laborers are few. Please provide for us men and women who will help to gather in a great harvest of souls. I make this prayer through Christ our Lord. Amen.
O loving and gracious God, Father of all, you
bless your people in every time and season and
provide for their needs through your providential
care. Your Church is continually in need of priests,
sisters and brothers to offer themselves in the service
of the gospel by lives of dedicated love. Open the
hearts of your sons and daughters to listen to your
call in their lives. Give them the gift of understanding
to discern your invitation to serve you and your
Church. Give them the gift of courage to follow your
call. May they have the spirit of young Samuel who
found fulfillment in his life when he said to you,
"Speak Lord, for your servant is listening." We ask
this through Jesus Christ, our Lord and Redeemer.
Loving God,
You speak to us and nourish us
through the life of this Church
In the name of Jesus, we ask you to
send your Spirit to us so that men and
women among us, young and old,
will respond to your call to service and
leadership in the Church. We pray
especially, in our day, for those who
hear your invitation to be a priest,
sister, or brother.
May those who are opening their
hearts and minds to your call be
encouraged and strengthened
through our enthusiasm in your
Father in heaven, you sent us your
only Son to redeem us and to build
your kingdom on earth. Please give
us the wisdom and strength we need
to follow His call. Grant to the faithful
a spirit of generosity, that Church
vocations may flourish. Bless our
priests with holiness and courage,
that they may lead your people to
Christ. Help all sisters and brothers
to fulfill their sacred promises and so
be effective signs of your kingdom.
Lord, invite more men and women
to your service. We ask this through
Christ our Lord. Amen.
Loving God, the provider of all our needs, we, your faithful people, ask that you bless this parish and our Diocese with an increase of men and women for priestly and committed ministry.
Provide from among us those who will lead and work with us in priestly and consecrated service.
As you call, so may you also provide the context for listening so that they may respond with generosity and joy.
Form our hearts so that we may be a people given to Gospel living and generous for Christian service.
Help us all to discern and pursue our vocation in life with strength and courage, making of us a priestly people.
We ask this through Jesus Christ, Your Son, the priest and servant of our hearts. Amen.
Our Lady, Queen of Peace, pray for us!
Loving God, to be your prophet is my
desire, but too often I am more
concerned about the bottom line. I
want to bring your message to the
world as so many before me have done.
My heart leads me to you, but I'm not
always sure how to respond.
Let me know what it is you are calling
me to do and the life you are asking
me to live.
Give me the strength to share with
others who are in need of the blessings
with which you have enriched my life.
Thank you, God, for hearing my prayer.
Good and gracious God,
you have called us through Baptism to
discipleship with your Son, Jesus Christ,
and have sent us to bring the Good News of
salvation to all peoples.
We pray you to grant us more priests and
religious to build up your Church here within
the Archdiocese of _________________.
Inspire our young men and women by
the example of Blessed Junipero Serra to give
themselves totally to the work of Christ and
His Church.
We ask this in the name of Jesus the Lord.
Thank you, Lord, for all the many great and
wonderful gifts you give to our family.
Help us to live each day with joy and humility.
Keep us totally dedicated to serving you.
Teach us to recognize the many ways you
make your Spirit known.
Then help each of us to accept your gift - the
grace to answer your call to form, strengthen
and expand the Body of Christ.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen.
Father, hear the prayers of your people,
and bring to maturity the seeds you have sown
in the field of your Church.
May many of your people choose to serve you
by devoting themselves to the service
of their brothers and sisters.
Raise up worthy ministers for your altars
and ardent but gentle servants of the Gospel.
May those who follow in the footsteps of Christ your Son
grow, and provide by their way of life
a convincing sign of your kingdom
for the Church and the whole world.
May all the ministers of your Church
increase in numbers,
and persevering in their prayer,
perform their ministry with gentleness and concern
for others.
Father, keep them all faithful to the call of the Gospel
that the world may see in them
the living image of your Son, Jesus Christ,
who is Lord for ever and ever.
Lord Jesus, we pray to you for the Catholic priesthood. Give us more priests, but most especially we ask you to give us holy priests. Messengers of a truth that is all-encompassing and eternal, holy priests who know how to offer this truth to the people of their own time and place. Holy men for today, priests firmly rooted in the tradition, yet imbued with the spirit of this age. They have undertaken a mission in your name, Lord. May the reflection of your power in them always make it clear that they are your witnesses.
Grant that they may conform their lives to the paschal mystery that they celebrate each day in the Eucharist. May they sense in this mystery the anxious hunger of the world and of their own brothers and sisters for salvation.
May they know, despite this hunger, how to respect the spiritual freedom of others; for it is your word which has given the world a taste for this freedom. May they understand and speak the language of their own time. And may they be careful never to compromise, with opinions that come and go, the imperishable newness of your Gospel.
May they always keep through the dark wintry night of the soul an obstinate hope for the springtime to come. And when they meet those who persecute you, may they always remember the road to Damascus and the hidden ways of your providence.
Lord Jesus Christ,
You are the Savior of the world.
Please manifest in Your Church
the Spirit whom You also abundantly
bestowed on Your apostles.
Call very many to Your priesthood
and Your religious life.
May zeal for Your glory
and for the salvation of the world
inflame those You have chosen.
May they be saints in Your likeness.
May Your Holy Spirit strengthen them.
May they be priests and religious according to Your own heart!
O Lord, help me know your will
for me
Let your light shine in the depths
of my heart
that I may know what you want
me to do with my life.
Help me believe that you have
a special plan for me.
Lord, I know I pass through this
life only once;
help me decide how you want
me to make a difference.
Like our Blessed Mother, give me
the wisdom to hear your voice
and the courage to answer
your call.
Above all give me peace
of mind and heart.
I offer this prayer in the name of
Jesus Christ our Lord.
God our Father,
you will all men and women to be saved
and come to the knowledge of your Truth.
Send workers into your great harvest
that the Gospel may be preached
to every creature
and your people, gathered together
by the word of life
and strengthened by
the power of the sacraments,
may advance in the way
of salvation and love.
I ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, your Son,
who lives and reigns with you
and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.
we ask you
to send more servants to your people.
Choose from our parishes,
from our homes,
from our schools and colleges,
an abundant harvest
of apostles for your Kingdom: priests,
sisters, brothers, deacons and lay ministers.
We pray that those you call
may never lose awareness of the
dignity and need of their vocation.
O Virgin Mary,
Mother of the Church,
teach to all those the Master calls
to say a joyful "yes"
as you did at the Annunciation
Gracious God, thank you for calling us
at Baptism to be your people.
In response to your call we again say, "Yes."
Keep us faithful to your mission
and our vocation.
Bless with a renewed spirit of zeal and enthusiasm
all who dedicate their lives
in service to your people.
Inspire more women and men of faith and compassion
to serve as lay ministers and deacons
sisters, brothers and priests.
Fill them with your Spirit of Wisdom
to proclain the Good News and
to witness your presence among us.
O, God, You have asked us to pray for vocations; that there might be young men and women willing to give their lives for the sake of souls. Hear our prayer and the prayers of your Church and send us good and holy priests and religious. We offer you this day, all we shall think, do or say for this intention, through Christ, Our Lord, Amen.
O God, You call all in Your Church to live a holy life. Like a wise harvest master, clearly call laborers to reap the harvest of souls. May some become holy priests, formed by the Gospel; may some find their way to religious communities filled with love for You. Inspire them by Your Holy Spirit to leave their way of life and share the work of Your Son Who lives forever and ever.
Creator of the Universe, God of the Nations,
Your people are longing to hear your word.
Send laborers into your harvest -
women and men on fire with your love:
Dedicated single people -
who incarnate your presence
in their daily lives,
whose availability enables them
to respond to a diversity of needs.
Married couples -
whose relationships serve as a sign
of your fidelity to your people,
whose love overflows
to their children and neighbors.
Ordained Ministers -
who gather the prayers and longing
of your people
who serve as a channel of your presence
through the sacraments.
Religious sisters, brothers, and priests -
whose life in community foreshadows
our eternal unity in Christ,
whose service brings your life to the world.
May each of us respond with courage and generosity
to our particular vocations, and may the Church recognize
the Spirit's call to men and women of good will,
trusting in your abundance to answer all our needs.
God, the source of
creation and love,
You invite each of
us to serve you through the life
which is your gift.
May your grace
encourage men and women to heights
of holiness through service to the church
as priests, sisters, brothers, and lay ministers.
Make me an
instrument to encourage others
to give of themselves and
challenge me to do the same.
Lord, through Baptism, you invite me to share the gift of my life in service to others. Be with me as I choose each day to show your presence in our world. Give me the courage and generosity to respond to your love, to your call. I pray especially for those who serve you as priests, brothers, sisters and deacons. Keep them close to you. Open the minds and hearts of many other men and women to be witnesses to your gospel.
Lord Jesus, Son of the Eternal Father and Mary Immaculate, give to our young people the generosity necessary to follow Your call and the courage required to overcome all obstacles to their vocation. Give to parents that faith, love and spirit of sacrifice which will inspire them to offer their children to God's service and to rejoice whenever one of their children is called to the priesthood or religious life. May Your example and that of Your Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph encourage both young people and parents and let Your grace sustain them. Amen.
God, our Father,
in Baptism You called us by name
making us members of Your people,
the Church.
We praise You for Your goodness,
We thank You for Your gifts.
We ask You to strengthen us
to live in love and service to others
after the example of Your Son, Jesus.
Father, look upon Your Church with love
and bless Your people
with generous single men and women,
with loving husbands and wives,
with understanding parents,
with trusting children
with dedicated priests, sisters,
deacons and brothers.
Help us to see our vocations
as a journey toward You.
You have called us,
not to set us apart,
but to bring us together
with others who need our love.
Make us faithful signs of Your
presence in their midst.
We ask You through Christ, our Lord.
O God, our Father, you have called us
in Baptism to follow your Son
through lives of loving service to you
and to one another.
Grant us your assistance as we seek to live
out our vocation in life.
We pray especially for those who have
answered your call as priests,
brothers, sisters, deacons and lay
Keep them faithful in following your
Son and dedicated in serving
their brothers and sisters.
Grant that many more men and
women will be open to the
challenge of dedicating their lives
in the ministry of building your
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
God, our Creator,
Life is Your gift to me.
Through Baptism, You invite me to share the gift
of my life in service to others.
I ask LORD, "Who will be Your Priest, Deacon,
Brother, Sister, Missionary, Lay Minister? Is it I?"
Give me the courage and generosity to respond
to Your love, to Your call.
Give those you have called to the married and the
single state the graces their lives require. I
pray especially for those who serve You as
Religious. Keep them close to You.
This we pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Heavenly Father,
You so loved the world
that You sent Your only Son, Jesus,
to bring eternal life
to those who believe in Him.
I join Him in His prayer
for laborers in Your harvest.
May Your Holy Spirit
inspire and strengthen
generous men and women
to continue His mission in the World.
May this same Spirit
make known to me Your will
in my regard.
Where You lead, I will follow.
Let it be done to me
according to Your word.
I make this prayer
through Christ our Lord.
O God, in the past you called men and women to dedicate their lives to you through priesthood and religious life. Today stir up the grace of a religious vocation in the hearts of many within our parish community. Grant them the willingness and generosity to place their lives completely in your hands as priests, brothers and sisters. Help me to support them by my own fidelity to your call to holiness through prayer & Christian service. If you desire that one of my family or friends follow you in this way, grant me the wisdom and insight to support and encourage that person to listen to your voice and follow you without delay.
Loving God,
You speak to us and nourish us
through the life of this Church
In the name of Jesus, we ask you to
send your Spirit to us so that men and
women among us, young and old, will
respond to your call to service and
leadership in the Church. We pray
especially, in our day, for those who
hear your invitation to be a priest,
sister, or brother.
May those who are opening their
hearts and minds to your call be
encouraged and strengthened
through our enthusiasm in your service.
I know you love me
and have great plans for me.
But sometimes I am overwhelmed
by the thought of my future.
Show me how to walk forward
one day at a time.
May I take heart while I search openly
for what it is you want me
to do with my life.
Inspire in me wisdom and understanding
to see your vision for my life
and respond with openness to
whatever you call me to be.
Show me your way Lord!
Gracious God,
You are the gentle presence,
the peaceful light,
that fills our whole world.
We believe that you care
for all your creatures
with wisdom and love.
Take care of us, your Church, this day.
Give to us all grace and courage
to live out our baptism
as faithful disciples
of your son, Jesus Christ.
Give us good pastors who
will call us to love and forgiveness
and lead us in worship
in the community of the Spirit.
Bring forth from among us other ministers
whose many-splendored gifts
will strengthen our community.
Raise up people in religious life
who by their unusual witness to the Gospel
will call us to the love of God and neighbor.
You have enfolded the smallness of our
humanity in your divinity.
Fill us all with your Holy Spirit.
Jesus, high priest and Redeemer
forever, we beg you to call young
men and women to your service,
as priests and religious. May they
be inspired by the lives of dedicated
priests, brothers and sisters.
Give to parents the grace
of generosity and trust toward you
and their child so that their sons
and daughters may be helped to
choose their vocation in life with
wisdom and freedom.
O God, you have called us to salvation and have sent your Son to establish the Church for this purpose, and you have provided the sacred ministers. The harvest is ever ready but the laborers are scarce. Inspire our youth to follow Jesus by serving Your People. Amen
Parents Prayer for Vocations
Gracious and loving God
you have blessed us with the priviledge of becoming Parents.
We ask that you provide us with all that we need
in accepting this awesome responsibility.
We pray that we will be open to your spirit
who is our source of strength
as we witness to our children
your love for each of them and your desire for them
to be happy and to live a full life.
We ask your help
so we may guide and encourage our children
to believe that they each have a special calling
and to use their gifts and talents for others.
We pray, Heavenly Father,
that our children will discover
and respond enthusiastically to your desire for them
whether it be to the vocation of single, married,
ordained or consecrated life.
We offer this prayer in the name of Jesus
through the grace of the Holy Spirit.
-Mrs. Dorothy Foss
3211 4th Street, N.E., Washington DC 20017-1194
(202) 541-3000 © USCCB. All rights reserved.
View one of the inspiring videos from the For Your Vocation Website and reflect on how you can encourage others to consider a vocation to the priesthood or consecrated life through prayer and activities.
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