Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Antiochan (Syrian) Orthodx Daily Readings For 9 November

From dynamispublications.org:

Daily Readings


A publication of St. George Orthodox Christian Cathedral

Wichita, KS


Daniel 10:1-21 (11/09-11/22) Third Vesperal Reading: Archangels & All Bodiless Powers

The Powers Of Heaven: Daniel 10:1-21, especially vs. 13: “But the prince of the Persian kingdom withstood me twenty-one days, and behold: Michael, one of the chief princes, came to help me....” The Church provides this passage because twice it names the Archangel Michael (vss. 13,21), yet the chapter, as a whole, discloses a great deal not only about him but about all the Powers of Heaven. Also, the chapter is a prologue for an extended ‘vision’ or ‘word’ (vs. 1) that introduces the last two chapters of Daniel. Along with the rest of the Book of Daniel, it is the earliest ‘apocalyptic’ writing in Holy Scripture. This word, ‘apocalyptic,’ derives from Greek and implies a ‘revelation’ or ‘unveiling’ that discloses things concerning the future that are presently hidden, except to the one who receives the ‘vision’ - in this case, the Prophet Daniel.

Daniel was an exile living in Mesopotamia after his native kingdom of Judah had been destroyed in 587 BC by the armies of King Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon (see Jer. 46:1-3). He deliberately sought a vision (see Dan. 10:1-3) to help him “...understand what will happen to [his] people in the last days...” (vs. 14). The passage demonstrates that a heavenly word came to him with great force. Daniel “...alone saw the vision...” and those with him did not, yet “...a great astonishment fell upon them, and they fled in fear” (vs. 7). For the angelic person who met the Prophet was dazzling (vss. 5,6), and “the sound of his words was like the voice of a multitude” (vs. 6). Daniel was stunned: “...for my splendor was turned into corruption, and I retained no strength” (vs. 8); he was cast down, prostrate, face on the ground (vs. 9).

Who was this person that spoke to Daniel, touched him, and put him back on his feet (vss. 10,11)? One of the Holy Fathers believed he was our pre-incarnate Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, sent by God the Father (vs. 11); others believed that he was another Archangel, Gabriel, who is mentioned elsewhere in Daniel (8:16; 9:21). But the reader must note that the radiant ‘man’ who spoke to Daniel had the authority of God (Dan. 10:12) - appropriate either to Christ or to Gabriel. Note also, that the heavenly man came even while he himself was having difficulties with “...the prince of the Persian kingdom [who] withstood me twenty-one days...” until the Archangel Michael, “...one of the chief princes, came to help me...”(vs. 13). Thus, verse thirteen discloses another role of the angelic leaders - to serve as heavenly defenders over entire nations, much as our personal guardian angels care for the welfare of each and every baptized Christian.

As we indicated above, the Church provides this reading for the Great Vespers of the Synaxis [Community] of the Archangels Michael and Gabriel and All the Bodiless Powers of Heaven. It was selected, likely, because of the two references to the Archangel Michael, “...one of the chief princes...” of the Archangels (vs. 13), and a Prince (an Archangel) who was loyal to the heavenly ‘man’ who delivered the word and vision of God to Daniel concerning “...what will happen to your people in the last days, for the vision is for days yet to come” (vs. 14).

As the title of the Feast of the Bodiless Powers suggests, this day is for celebrating the active work of the Angels for the Church. Most of our temples have icons of the two chief Archangels on the ‘Deacon Doors’ that lead into the altar area through the iconostasis. They remind us of the importance of all the Bodiless Powers who protect God’s ‘holy nation,’ His own people who are at work in this age: to “...proclaim the praises of Him Who called us out of darkness into His marvelous light” (1 Pt. 2:9). How blessed we are to have such powerful heavenly allies, active for us, for the entire Church, our nations, and this confused world! Let us seek their prayers and save us “...from straits, temptations and perils and every need....”

O Holy Archangels, deliver us from all dangers as marshals of the heavenly hosts.

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