Sunday, October 31, 2010

Prayers For All Hallows' Eve


Halloween Prayers

Prayers and Collects for All Hallows Eve

Halloween (All Hallows Eve) is the Eve of All Saints Day. Therefore All Saints' Day Prayers are the most appropriate prayers for this feast. However, since Halloween is used for so many bad purposes (far different than the harmless, fun, Halloween traditions), we have included these Halloween Prayers for good to conquer over evil. Check out David Morrison's article, Christians and Halloween: Should Christians Celebrate Halloween?, for a moderate and Catholic perspective on Halloween. Again, these Halloween Prayers are Christian in outlook, specifically Catholic and Orthodox.

Prayer to Christ Against Evil

Christ Our Lord

You suffered and were tempted.

You are powerful to come to the aid

of those who are assailed by the devil,

For you are the support of Christian people.

O Lord, protect with Your Right Hand

those who trust in Your Name.

Deliver them from the Evil One,

and grant them everlasting joy. Amen

St. Gregory of Khandzta (759-861)

Prayer to Be Delivered From All Evil

Sanctify, O Lord,

our souls, minds, and bodies.

Touch our minds

and search out our consciences.

Cast out from us every evil thought,

Every impure idea,

every base desire and memory,

Every unseemly word,

all envy, pride and hypocrisy,

Every lie, every deceit,

every worldly temptation,

All greed, all vainglory,

all wickedness, all wrath,

All anger, all malice,

all blasphemy, and all sloth,

Every movement of flesh and spirit

That is alien to the will of your holiness.

And enable us to turn to You,

Master, Lord who loves humankind,

To call upon you

with boldness and without condemnation,

With a pure heart, a contrite soul,

a face unashamed,

and with lips that are sanctified

Liturgy of Saint James, adapted

A Prayer for Protection in Christ

Almighty Father,

Even though we walk

through the valley of

the shadow of death,

we fear no evil,

for Your Son

our Lord Jesus Christ,

has conquered

evil and death,

illuminating even the darkest valley.

Therefore, we beg you:

Protect us from the enemy,

Defend us from all evil,

and give us the grace,

to walk in the light of your Son,

who lives and reigns,

with you and the Holy Spirit,

one God, forever and ever. Amen

David Bennett

Prayer to God For Our Defense

O merciful and mighty God,

Your Son Jesus Christ

was born of the Blessed Virgin Mary

to bring us salvation

and to establish Your kingdom on earth:

Grant that Michael and all Your angels

may defend Your people

against Satan and every evil foe,

and that at last

we may come to that heavenly country

where Your saints forever sing Your praise.

Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

Book of Occasional Services, Episcopal Church

Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel

Saint Michael the Archangel,

defend us in battle;

be our defense against the wickedness

and snares of the devil.

May God rebuke him,

we humbly pray.

And do thou,

O prince of the heavenly host,

by the power of God

thrust into hell

Satan and all the evil spirits

who prowl about the world

for the ruin of souls. Amen.

Traditional Scottish Prayer

From ghoulies and ghosties

And long-leggedy beasties

And things that go bump in the night,

Good Lord, deliver us!

Eve of All Saints Prayer


All-Powerful and Ever-Living God,

Today we rejoice

in the holy men and women

of every time and place

May their prayers

bring us your forgiveness and love

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

From the Liturgy of the Hours

Commemoration of Saint Michael the Archangel

O most glorious Prince,

Michael the Archangel,

be mindful of us,

here and everywhere:

pray always

unto the Son of God for us,

Alleluia, Alleluia.

In the sight of Angels

I will sing to Thee, O God.

I will worship

facing Thy holy temple

and confess Thy name.

O God,

who in a marvelous order

hast established the ministries of angels

and of men,

mercifully grant that

as Thy holy Angels

ever do Thee service in heaven,

so at all times

they may succor us

here upon earth.

Through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

From the Office of the feast of St. Michael

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