Monday, December 6, 2010

Roman Catholic Advent Devotional For Monday, 6 December, The Ninth Day Of Advent

From USCCB and American

December 6, 2010

Monday of the Second Week of Advent


Learn the true story of St. Nicholas, the 4th century bishop from Asia Minor who is the inspiration for “Santa Claus,” one of the most beloved symbols of the Christmas season. Regardless of the facts, St. Nicholas or “Santa Claus” as he became known in the English-speaking world, is a beautiful reminder of the spirit of giving.

December 6

St. Nicholas

(d. 350?)
The absence of the “hard facts” of history is not necessarily an obstacle to the popularity of saints, as the devotion to St. Nicholas shows. Both the Eastern and Western Churches honor him, and it is claimed that, after the Blessed Virgin, he is the saint most pictured by Christian artists. And yet, historically, we can pinpoint only the fact that Nicholas was the fourth-century bishop of Myra, a city in Lycia, a province of Asia Minor.

As with many of the saints, however, we are able to capture the relationship which Nicholas had with God through the admiration which Christians have had for him—an admiration expressed in the colorful stories which have been told and retold through the centuries.

Perhaps the best-known story about Nicholas concerns his charity toward a poor man who was unable to provide dowries for his three daughters of marriageable age. Rather than see them forced into prostitution, Nicholas secretly tossed a bag of gold through the poor man’s window on three separate occasions, thus enabling the daughters to be married. Over the centuries, this particular legend evolved into the custom of gift-giving on the saint’s feast. In the English-speaking countries, St. Nicholas became, by a twist of the tongue, Santa Claus—further expanding the example of generosity portrayed by this holy bishop.


The critical eye of modern history makes us take a deeper look at the legends surrounding St. Nicholas. But perhaps we can utilize the lesson taught by his legendary charity, look deeper at our approach to material goods in the Christmas season and seek ways to extend our sharing to those in real need.


“In order to be able to consult more suitably the welfare of the faithful according to the condition of each one, a bishop should strive to become duly acquainted with their needs in the social circumstances in which they live.... He should manifest his concern for all, no matter what their age, condition, or nationality, be they natives, strangers, or foreigners” (Decree on the Bishops' Pastoral Office, 16).

Patron Saint of:












A prayer thanking God for the gift of marriage.


God our Father,

we give you thanks for the gift of marriage:

the bond of life and love, and the font of the family.

The love of husband and wife enriches your Church with children,

fills the world with a multitude of spiritual fruitfulness and service,

and is the sign of the love of your Son, Jesus Christ, for his Church.

The grace of Jesus flowed forth at Cana at the request of the Blessed Mother.

May your Son, through the intercession of Mary,

pour out upon us a new measure of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit

as we join with all people of good will

to promote and protect the unique beauty of marriage.

May your Holy Spirit enlighten our society

to treasure the heroic love of husband and wife,

and guide our leaders to sustain and protect

the singular place of mothers and fathers in the lives of their children.

Father, we ask that our prayers be joined to those of the Virgin Mary,

that your Word may transform our service

so as to safeguard the incomparable splendor of marriage.

We ask all these things through Christ our Lord,


Saints Joachim and Anne, pray for us.


Recall all of the gifts and talents that God has given you and reflect on ways that your can share them with others.


In the tradition of St. Nicholas, leave small treats in children’s shoes and pray for all of our bishops.

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