Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Poems, Paintings, Sculptures, Dramas, Prophecies, Photographs, Axioms, Aphorisms...

From Parabola:

Gustave Doré, "Creation of Light."

Doré, "Creation of Light."

"Why do Heaven and Earth last forever?

Because they

do not exist for themselves.”



Interior of the rose at Strasbourg Cathedral.

Clostridium, Rose window from Strasbourg Cathedral.

"We cannot live only for ourselves.

A thousand fibers connect us

with our fellow men;

and among those fibers,

as sympathetic threads,

our actions run as causes,

and they come back

to us as effects.”

—Herman Melville


Monica Denevan, "Apple Orchard," China 2007.

Monica Denevan, "Apple Orchard," China 2007.

"In one way or another,

the Cosmos we inhabit -

human body, house, territory,

world - communicates from

above with another

level which is transcendent.”

—Mircea Eliade


By Jerry Uelsemann

Photograph by Jerry Uelsemann.


Even if I don’t see it again — nor ever feel it

I know it is — and that if once it hailed me

it ever does –

And so it is myself I want to turn in that direction

not as towards a place, but it was a tilting

within myself,

as one turns a mirror to flash the light to where

it isn’t — I was blinded like that — and swam

in what shone at me

only able to endure it by being no one and so

specifically myself I thought I’d die

from being loved like that.

—Marie Howe

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